How to build a fair and solidarity-based European Union? Ahead of the European elections in May 2019, the National Federation of French Mutuals and its European partners have launched a public consultation on the theme of social Europe.
Mutuals promote the values of solidarity, social inclusion and democratic governance: they are the driving force of a great European democratic debate: Place de la Santé en Europe – Health forum for Europe.
What is the goal of this initiative? To involve citizens in the brainstorming and construction of the European Union of tomorrow and to put the mutualist values and social justice at the heart of these debates.
“From our point of view, we want to convey a vision of Europe as just, redistributive and respectful of both humans and the environment. We want to believe that the values of solidarity, our conception of the organisation of society life characterise us as Europeans.“
Extract from the Manifesto “Let us build the social Europe of tomorrow together!”
A Series of Debate Workshops about Social Europe
In order to bring this debate to life, workshops have been organised throughout France to offer discussion and reflection on the theme of social Europe.
ESN was present at the first debate which took place in Paris on 19 February 2019. Issue of the morning: to collectively develop 12 concrete propositions for a “social Europe” to inform European leaders. The workshops, hosted according to the principle of collective intelligence, have fostered debate on the themes of health, solidarity, the environment and employment. The discussions have brought to light subjects such as wage harmonisation, the fight against illiteracy, intergenerational issues and education to solidarity.
And after? How to participate?
The most widely supported proposals which emerged during the debate workshops and on the collaborative platform #PlacedelaSantéEurope will be presented by the Mutalité Française to the candidate Members of the European Parliamant.
To read the manifesto, give your opinion and participate in the debates:
Manifesto is available in English.