Education and Solidarity Network

2nd edition of Pastille Festival: Innovation in healthcare and international solidarity in the spotlight

Education and Solidarity Network
November 30, 2018

The second edition of Pastille Festival, organised by ESSENTIEL, a member of the Education and Solidarity Network, was held last November on the 3rd and 4th of the month. The festival aimed to raise awareness and educate people about issues relating to healthcare and international solidarity by showing a number of educational films.


Three documentaries – and as many perspectives on healthcare and solidarity, were shown to audiences: “L’autre pilule, un combat pour les femmes” [The Other Pill – a Battle for Women], “Penser dans l’urgence” [Thinking in an Emergency] and “Demain tous crétins?” [Tomorrow We Will All Be Idiots]. Whether by recounting the social struggle for the distribution of the abortion pill in France and internationally, or capturing the daily life of a French anaesthetist in a maternity ward and comparing it to their experience in humanitarian medicine, or even by alerting viewers to the harmful effects of endocrine disrupters on our intellectual abilities, the documentary is a teaching aid conducive to reflection and discussion. There were consequently rich discussions after the films were shown, in particular regarding abortion and the effects of endocrine disruptors. Meliponi, one of the ESN’s partner organisations, also gave a presentation on the participative video as a fun and innovative tool for health education.

For the ESN, which supported and assisted the festival, Pastille was an important opportunity for meetings and reflection on the subjects and issues intrinsically related to the Network’s ambitions and remit.



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