🌎 Join online ESN’s International Meeting


In 2014, the ESN launched an international action research initiative to support its projects and strengthen field action.

Action research is a research method that aims to transform reality and produce knowledge about these transformations. In action-research, actors become researchers, and researchers become actors. The final objective is to generate useful knowledge for the actors and to solve the concrete problems of the area studied. The production of knowledge is co-constructed with the actors and in the field.

The aim of this “Action Research Initiative” is to take a step back from the conduct of projects in order to promote their success, and to extract components that could be useful to other actors in different countries and contexts. The ESN thus aims to enable its members, who are active all over the world, to exchange and disseminate good practices and innovative initiatives.

To date, several actions have been carried out and collaborations with university and research networks have been initiated (SHE Network, UNIRĂ©S, ResNet- IE, UNESCO Chair, National Autonomous University of Mexico, University of Lyon 1, Autonomous University of Barcelona, etc.).

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to publish a research.



Initiatives that include an action-research approach
