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Education and Solidarity Network

AIM meetings: Knowledge humanizes mankind, and reason inclines to mildness; but prejudices eradicate every tender disposition

Education and Solidarity Network
December 19, 2016

The International Association of Mutual Societies (Association internationale de la Mutualité (AIM)) held its statutory meetings last 23 and 24 November in Paris. Representatives from Africa and the Middle East met Wednesday 23 to discuss mutual medical examinations with examples from Morocco, Burkina, Burundi and Ivory Coast. They also addressed the topic of Health cooperatives. It was presented by Mr Tadjudje from Leuven University, who emphasised the possible synergy and cooperation between these “two sisters who do not know each other”.

Aurélie Koua and Alain Coheur, from PASS and MASMUT respectively, programmes supporting AIM’s African mutual partners, gave an update on their activities, achievements and perspectives.

The meeting was closed by a presentation from the oldest Moroccan mutual society: the mutual society for national security (mutuelle de la sûreté nationale), an old lady of 97 years.

The topic of the uberisation of health was discussed durinf the board of directors. Several speakers explained that the sectors of health and health insurance will not be spared from new types of business. The statutory meetings closed with a conference on financial regulation for mutual healthcare societies which showcased European, African and Chinese experiences. The International Association of Mutual Societies will elect a new board and executive committee in June 2017 in Leuven in Belgium.



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