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COP22, public health and climate change

Education and Solidarity Network
December 19, 2016

COP22 which took place in Marrakesh from 7 to 18 November, focused on implementing the decisions made in Paris last year at COP21, during which 195 countries adopted the first global agreement concerning the climate in order to limit global warming to less than 2°.

This year, the focus of the debates at the Marrakesh conference: public health and climate change. The WHO announced: “without putting adequate measures in place to alleviate and reduce climate change, global public health will face unacceptable risks”.

Each year, air pollution is responsible for 6.5 million deaths in the world. The WHO predicts that between 2030 and 2050, climate change will lead to 250,000 more deaths, due to malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and hydric stress linked to heat.

The WHO reminds us that it is necessary to invest more money “to ensure that health is recognised as a priority in climate financing and to integrate climate considerations into national and international health financing mechanisms”.


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