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The Network


Education and Solidarity Network
September 22, 2014

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Education and Solidarity Network took place on 4 September 2014. It was extraordinary because for the first time, members were given the opportunity to meet by video conference! The purpose of this EGM was to strengthen the Network dynamic in the lead-up to its GM of July 2015.

The Network relies on a strong commitment from all its members to ensure the success of its activities. This is the essence of the strategic coordination plan adopted with a view to preparing for the 2015 GM. The plan is a genuine “code of conduct” stipulating the rules of decentralised organisation. 

The Network dynamic entails:

  1. Members reflecting on the political and strategic framework in which the Network performs its activities;
  2. Members making a big effort to take ownership of projects in which they are involved;
  3. Members becoming involved in Network governance and committee meetings which are intended as highlights for meeting others and engaging in discussion;
  4. Members acting as ambassadors for the Network within their own organisations and networks;
  5. Members supplementing Network communication by proposing and passing on content.

The EGM also gave members the chance to discuss shared beliefs on which the Network is founded: education, health and solidarity as pillars of community life. These discussions will enable us to review the Network manifesto, initiate a more in-depth discussion on the political and strategic framework of its action and thus feed into work with Education International in the lead-up to the Congress in 2015.

Finally, as part of these developments, and on a more fun note, the secretariat presented the new Network logo. Part virtuous circle, part hurricane, it’s certainly an inspirational logo!


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