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Education and Solidarity Network

Filgood, a participatory diagnosis of the physical, mental and social well-being of students

Education and Solidarity Network
February 24, 2017

Several years ago, MGEN developed an innovative device for performing collective and participatory diagnosis of the physical, mental and social well-being of students. Following the success of this tool at local level, MGEN decided to digitalise it. The online application was launched in January 2017 and is called FilGood.

The online app enables any education professional to perform in his/her class a short questionnaire with 12 questions relating to 5 areas of young peoples’ daily lives: lifestyle, risk behaviors, self-esteem, family life, social support. The pupils are able to assess the gap between what they feel is important or not for their health (perceived health) and the manner in which they actually behave (actual health). Individual results are given to pupils in the form of a diagram and used as the basis for discussions within groups. Statistical analysis of data collected anonymously allows educational institutions to prioritise community health initiatives by comparing against national surveys. 

For now the app is only available for French education professionals but ESN is working to export the tool in Belgium, Germany and Portugal.


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