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Education and Solidarity Network

Francophone countries committed to a free and quality public education

Education and Solidarity Network
December 19, 2016

ESN participated in the 15th meeting of the Francophone union committee for education and training (Comité Syndical Francophone de l’Education et de la Formation (CSFEF)) which took place from 14 to 16 November 2016 in Antananarivo, Madagascar, on the eve of the Francophonie Summit.

The CSFEF brings together education unions and professional organisations from Francophone countries. Its creation dates back to 1987. The commitee’s aims are:

  • To ensure the inclusion of education as a key element in defining government policies
  • To confirm representative union action and ensure all Francophone bodies are represented.
  • To establish Francophonie union involvement with respect to diversity, social justice and democracy, whilst developing solidarity and cooperation.
  • To confirm commitment to fighting for human rights, against all inequality and for a better quality of training and education for everyone.

The CSFEF meets every two years in the context of an exchange forum. This year the Education and Solidarity Network hosted a training workshop on social security and the mutual society model.


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