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Education and Solidarity Network
July 31, 2014

The steering committee meeting of the Programme Collectif pour le Développement et le Dialogue social en Haïti [Collective Programme for Development and Social Dialogue in Haiti] also known as “PROCEDH – TETE ENSEMBLE” took place on 27 and 28 March in the offices of MGEN.

The steering committee meeting of the Programme Collectif pour le Développement et le Dialogue social en Haïti [Collective Programme for Development and Social Dialogue in Haiti] also known as “PROCEDH – TETE ENSEMBLE” took place on 27 and 28 March in the offices of MGEN.

Initiated by SOLIDARITE LAIQUE with French and Haitian education stakeholders, the programme is coming to the end of its first phase (June 2014). The Network is a partner in this programme whose general aim is to promote quality education in Haiti by mobilising local stakeholders.

The Network has been made responsible for coordinating a key area of work relating to social protection. We have worked with our local partners including three Education International member unions (CNEH, UNNOH and FENATEC) on two actions:

  • Awareness-raising and mobilisation on social health protection for education professionals;
  • A pilot social protection education programme for young people in secondary education.

As regards the first topic, Haitian stakeholders have done some remarkable work raising awareness of education professionals’ social health protection entitlements using an explanatory document also designed for advocacy purposes. This was distributed and commented on, then used in all 10 départements of the country. Through working meetings with social security agencies (ONA, OFATMA, GSP) avenues were identified for improving access to care and healthcare institutions and shortening the time taken to reimburse healthcare expenses incurred by professionals and their families. The stakeholders involved in this action unanimously recognised the benefit of this “stimulating and promising” work.

That leaves the social protection education project. A working seminar with CIESS (Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies), a Network member based in Mexico, and teachers at two secondary schools in Port au Prince will take place in May 2014 to develop the content of an educational module relating to solidarity. This module will subsequently be tested in classes at the two secondary schools.

At the programme’s steering committee meeting in Paris last week, a decision was taken to launch a second phase of the “TETE ENSEMBLE” programme in which the Network is likely to play a greater role with a stronger commitment from EI. MGEN, which was involved in a health education action, will also be actively involved in the second phase.


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