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In 2020, new francophone organisations are joining the Network

Education and Solidarity Network
June 30, 2020

This year 5 French-speaking organisations have applied for membership in the Network. We would like to welcome them! 

This year 5 French-speaking organisations have applied for membership in the Network. We would like to welcome them! 

An introduction to the of the new members is below: 


The Syndicat des Enseignants Romand, SER (Switzerland): from the start of its activities in 1864, the umbrella organisation of the French-speaking part of Switzerland has placed the good of pupils, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, the search for progress in pedagogy and the improvement of the status and training of the teaching staff at the centre of its concerns. In 2017, the SER, which is active in the field of teachers’ occupational health, carried out a survey of teachers in French-speaking Switzerland on their current and past state of health with the Institut universitaire romand de la SantĂ© au Travail. 

The Syndicat des Enseignants du Congo, SYECO (Democratic Republic of the Congo): A professional union, with 6320 members, SYECO is one of the main teachers’ unions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. SYECO operates in the public and private sectors, notably in nursery and primary, secondary, technical and vocational, higher and university, and non-formal education, as well as medical and vocational training. 

EN3S (France): The École nationale supĂ©rieure de SĂ©curitĂ© sociale (EN3S) is a higher education institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Its 4 main missions are the training of social protection managers in France, international cooperation through the sharing of expertise and specific training courses, research on social protection and raising awareness among the younger generations on social security issues. 

TEPCO SantĂ© (Congo): TEPCO SANTE is a health mutual working in the field of in-school health. The health mutual acts for the well-being and health of children in schools, by setting up nurse’s offices in schools, and by raising awareness, and offering screening and de-worming. 

Francophonia (France): Francophonia is a training centre for teachers of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) based in Nice. Francophonia is also a portal where you can find information, resources and projects that promote and support the development of the French-speaking world and interculturality. 

Nominations were accepted by the General Meeting, which was held remotely in June. The SER’s membership of the Education and Solidarity Network will be presented at the SER General Meeting in August 2020. 


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