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Education and Solidarity Network

Ivory Coast: The PASS is at cruising speed

Education and Solidarity Network
December 19, 2016

Launched in 2014, the PASS (Programme to Support Healthcare Mutuals’ Strategies – Programme d’Appui aux Stratégies Mutualistes de Santé) provides expert assistance for the creation of mutuals, the structuration and consolidation of the African mutualist movement, advocacy work and investment opportunities. Run by a team of 5 people, the PASS’s mission is to help mutual societies in the UEMOA area to become essential players in projects to expand universal health coverage in the region.

On a visit to the Ivory Coast, the Education and Solidarity Network had the opportunity to measure the progress made by the programme, supported by French mutual societies:

  • Participation in a pilot scheme to create a national mutual society for craftsmen on the Ivory Coast and for teachers in Burkina Faso
  • Participation in the activities of the regional Bureau for West African and West African Union Mutual Societies (Bureau régional Afrique de l’Ouest de l’Union Africaine de la Mutualité (UAM AFRO))
  • Support of 4 umbrella organisation of mutual societies in the UEMOA region and one in the CEMAC region of Cameroon
  • Communication around developing mutual societies and social security in the region via the publication of a monthly newsletter and a website
  • Follow-up of an installation and management project of 15 hospital organisations on the Ivory Coast
  • Support of the activities of the Social Mutuality Advisory Committee for the UEMOA (comité consultatif de la mutualité sociale de l’UEMOA)
  • Training and increasing awareness of Ivorian journalists regarding the concepts of Social Security, Mutual Societies and universal health coverage
  • Training the Regulatory Body of social mutuals of Niger (Organe de régulation des mutuelles sociales du Niger ANMS))

From 2021, the PASS should transform into a long-term support platform integrated into an African organisation.

On a visit to Paris for the AIM’s board of directors, the deputy director of PASS, Aurélie Koua, made an eloquent presentation on the results of the programme and her perspectives. More information on the PASS website.


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