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Education and Solidarity Network

Meeting with Caja de ANDE, a social welfare organisation for education professionals in Costa-Rica

Education and Solidarity Network
December 4, 2018

In Brussels, the ESN met with representatives of Caja de ANDE, a social welfare organisation for education professionals in Costa-Rica The Caja supports and protects its members in every life stage: health insurance, pension and even funeral services.

The board of directors includes representative from various educationunions such as the ANDE (an ESN member), the APSE, the ADEP and the SEC. Education International, which received the delegation in its premises, had invited the ESN to present the various projects in favour of the social protection and health of the education community and to consider a collaboration.

The International Association of Mutual Benefit Organisations was also in attendance to present its organisation and propose an exchange of best inter and intracontinental practices with other health insurance operators.



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