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Education and Solidarity Network
Mutual insurance


Education and Solidarity Network
October 2, 2014

AIM, the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies is pleased to officially welcome Mr. Menno Aarnout as its new Executive Director. Mr. Christian Zahn, AIM president, said: “We are very happy that Menno Aarnout will be AIM’s new Executive Director; with his experience and skills he is who AIM needs at this point in time. I am confident he will lead AIM as an appreciated partner to all stakeholders”.

Menno Aarnout is an economist by training. He began his career at the Dutch Ministry of Health, subsequently he held different positions in the field of healthcare in the European Commission, in the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (SANCO), where he worked on pharmaceutical policy and cross-border healthcare, DG Development Cooperation (DEVCO) where he worked on strengthening of healthcare systems in developing countries and in DG Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) where he dealt with sustainability of healthcare systems, the European Semester and the healthcare chapters of economic adjustment programmes.

Menno Aarnout stated: “The mutual health insurance organisations worldwide are key in giving access to good quality and affordable healthcare to all and contribute therefore to one of Europe’s most important objectives. I look forward to contributing to these important goals and to consolidate the global mutual movement to promote the values of solidarity and universal access to healthcare”.

The Network is very pleased to welcome Menno Aarnout and whishes him a lot of success in this endeavour !


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