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Education personnel
Occupational health

More than 26,000 people took part in the second edition of the international barometer of the health and well-being of education personnel!

Education and Solidarity Network
July 31, 2023

The Education and Solidarity Network and the Foundation for Public Health, in partnership with Education International and the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education, have launched the 2nd edition of the International Barometer of the Health and Wellbeing of Education Personnel – I-BEST in 2023.

Health, well-being, and education are among the target objectives of the United Nations (UN). These fundamental themes are at the top of the list of priorities for a successful transition to sustainable development.

This biennal international survey focuses on the health and well-being of education personnel, as protecting their physical and mental balance is an essential condition for guaranteeing quality education.

In 2021, thanks to the participation of 8,000 teachers, the Results of the first edition provided an international comparison of 6 territories on 3 continents.

In 2023, more than 26,000 education personnel responded to the questionnaire distributed online from February to June in 13 territories on 4 continents:

  • In Europe: France, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland (Cantons of Geneva and Vaud) and Belgium.
  • In America : Argentina, QuĂ©bec and Canada.
  • In Africa: Morocco and Cameroon.
  • In Asia: Japan and Taipei.

Our sincere thanks to all our members, partners and organizations who took part in this second edition: CGSP, CSQ, CTIMA, CT/FCE, FECCOO, the Foundation for Public Health, Education International, JTU, NASUWT, SEL SETCA, SPG, SPV and UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education and UNSA-Education.

This 2023 Edition examines :

  • Working conditions,
  • Physical and mental health,
  • Feelings about work-life balance,
  • The impact of digital tools.

Analysis of the I-BEST 2023 results will provide new elements for international comparison, as well as recommendations for the health and well-being of educational communities in each territory that participated in the survey.

SAVE THE DATE: The results will be presented and discussed on October 10, 2023, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (CEST) during an international webinar featuring a panel of high-level experts. Keep up to date by following us on social networks!

Together, let’s improve the health and well-being of education staff!


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