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Education and Solidarity Network


Education and Solidarity Network
May 6, 2015

As part of the tripartite agreement signed in 2011 between the Education and Solidarity Network, MGEN (Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale, France – mutual benefit society for national education) and MGPAP (Mutuelle Générale du Personnel des Administrations Publiques, Morocco – mutual benefit society for public administration employees), a mission was organised in Rabat in order to set out the support measures for MGPAP by MGEN France. Whether in France, Morocco or the Ivory Coast, the Network sustains bilateral partnership relations!

MGPAP (Mutuelle Générale du Personnel des Administrations Publiques) is the largest mutual benefit society in Morocco. Established in 1948, it has a presence in 12 regions of the country and has more than 29 regional delegations and 35 local offices. MGPAP ensures the delegated management of the compulsory health insurance for the public sector, as part of an agreement with CNOPS (Caisse Nationale des Organismes de Prévoyance Sociale – national fund of social welfare organizations).

In Morocco, it is a “Dahir” (Royal Decree) dating back to 1963 that governs the mutual benefit society. This Dahir is in the process of changing, with a draft law concerning the Code governing mutual benefit societies. This draft law was adopted in September 2012 by the Council of Government, and presented in October 2013 before the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Morocco (CESE). It involves a complete rewriting of the Dahir provisions of 1963, with a more explicit reformulation of the role of mutual benefit societies in the area of social welfare and the implementation of new management rules guaranteeing viability and transparency.

To respond to this, MGPAP is in the midst of change. It has undertaken a large-scale project involving the separation of business activities and powers. MGPAP is also equipped with substantial working tools such as cost accounting, management control, audit as well as strengthening human resources through the recruitment of specialists in order to support the mutual benefit society in its overall transformation.

MGEN France signed a partnership agreement with MGPAP and the Education and Solidarity Network in 2011.

  • In 2011, initial training was organised by MGEN France and the Education and Solidarity Network, designed for elected and executive officers of MGPAP concerning governance issues.
  • In 2012, a second training session took place on the legal, financial and social issues of separating activities as part of the draft law concerning the Code governing mutual benefit societies.
  • In 2013, following a report by MGEN France, the General Assembly of MGPAP adopted the mutual benefit society reorganisation principle. A joint Steering Committee including the Education and Solidarity Network/MGEN France/MGPAP was set up in order to work on the separation of business activities.
  • In 2014, the joint Steering Committee decided, as a priority, to direct support to change management issues.

The Rabat mission in March 2015 first enabled a report to be carried out on the changes of MGPAP and the draft law concerning the Code governing mutual benefit societies. The Steering Committee then outlined a road map that sets out the specific problems for which MGEN France can provide expertise.

Reference points

Health insurance in Morocco is broken down into three systems:

  • AMO (Compulsory Health Insurance), managed for the public sector by CNOPS and mutual benefit societies for civil servants (delegated management), and by CNSS (Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale – National social security fund) for private-sector employees;
  • RAMED (Régime d’Assistance Médicale – Medical Assistance Scheme), aimed at vulnerable populations and those subsidised in full by the State;
  • A system for students and self-employed workers, currently under development. For this system, the challenge is the size as the self-employed persons category also includes professional services and company managers as well as informal-sector workers, traders and farmers.


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