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Education and Solidarity Network
The Network

New members from Columbia, Haiti and France… The network is expanding!

Education and Solidarity Network
November 3, 2019

This year, three associations from Columbia, Haiti and France are joining the Education and Solidarity Network as associate members. We are happy to welcome them!

This year, three associations from Columbia, Haiti and France are joining the Education and Solidarity Network as associate members. We are happy to welcome them!



GestarSalud is an association of mutual health insurance associations in Columbia which covers 13 million members. The mutual associations which are members of Gestarsalud are present in 91% of the departments of the country, in 9 districts and more than 800 municipalities of the territory. The mission of Gestarsalud is to represent its members, offer a space for pooling of tools and knowledge, to improve competitiveness and to guarantee its members the best possible access to the right to health.



Created in 1962 and approved by the National Education Ministry in France, ADOSEN – PrĂ©vention SantĂ© MGEN acts within the education community for the well-being of pupils. Education and promotion of health, citizenship and solidarity are at the heart of its actions. It distributes tools and, through its activists or civil service volunteers, supports educational teams on the ground to implement their project. It defends the idea that each education professional should be able to act to contribute to the well-being of pupils, to their academic success and their emancipation.


CEMEA – HAĂŹTI – Haití​ 

As part of the New Education movement, CEMEAs – community education associations and professional training organisations benefit from broad social and collective experience gained over more than 70 years. Their project is based on the values of new education and mobilisation of individuals using active education methods.


The Education and Solidarity Network now consists of 40 organisations!


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