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Education and Solidarity Network

New partnerships for the Pension Mutual for teachers of Mali

Education and Solidarity Network
February 28, 2017

A delegation from the Mutual Association of Education and Culture Workers of Mali (MUTEC) was received in Paris by the Education and Solidarity Network last December. The Vice President of MUTEC, a member of the board of directors and the director, left Bamako to revive the MUTEC partnership with the MGEN. ESN has organised several meetings with experts from the MGEN and UMR (Union Mutualiste Retraite [French Mutual Pension Union]). These meetings have enabled the planning of activities that will strengthen the capabilities of MUTEC in accounting, financial and actuarial terms.

MUTEC is a mutual pension society, created in 1987, which pays its members a one-time capital when they enter retirement. Since its establishment, this capital has made it possible to cover the cost of living before the payment of the State Pension, which could be delayed by several months.


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