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Participate in an international exchange on social protection education on 3 March 2022

Education and Solidarity Network
February 10, 2022

The Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) invites you to participate in an international workshop on “Social Protection Education” on Thursday 3 March 2022 (3pm-5pm CET). The programme of the online meeting will include presentations of educational initiatives on social protection and a workshop to exchange good practices on the topic of digital tools. The 2-hour meeting, on Zoom, will be simultaneously translated into English, French and Spanish.

The covid-19 crisis has highlighted the inequalities in coverage around the world and the urgency of making the human right to social protection a reality for all. According to the International Labour Organisation’s World Social Protection Report, more than half of the world’s population currently has no social protection.

In 2019, participants in the World Social Protection Week, organized under the auspices of the ILO, recognized and emphasized that education and the dissemination of a culture of social protection are prerequisites for universal, comprehensive, adequate and sustainable social protection systems. Education systems, educational communities and social protection organizations therefore have a crucial role to play in creating a real culture of social protection and solidarity among the populations.

With the aim of exchanging good practices, the Education and Solidarity Network invites its members and partners to present their social protection education initiatives during an international online meeting organised on 3 March 2022 from 3 to 5 pm (Brussels time).

Agenda of the meeting:

  • Introduction “Advocacy and creating a social protection culture” by Victoria Giroud-Castiella (International Labour Office, Social Protection Department)
  • Presentation of health and social protection education initiatives by members and partners of the Education and Solidarity Network, questions and answers
  • Exchange workshop: “How can digital tools support social protection education and awareness-raising practices, especially among young people?

Please contact us by email at lmagnard@mgen.fr to register and receive the connection link. Please let us know if you would like to present an initiative at the meeting.


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