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Podcast | France – Belgium “Responses of health mutuals to the pandemic”, with Thierry Beaudet and Jean Pascal Labille

Education and Solidarity Network
August 5, 2021

“Reflecting on the evolution of solidarity-based social protection and considering the future of the mutualist model is the objective of the podcast entitled “Responses of health mutuals to the pandemic – France and Belgium”. For this purpose, two distinguished guests share the microphone with Carole Renucci, from Podcasters Media. Let’s meet Thierry Beaudet, President of the Vyv Group and of the Mutualité Française, and Jean Pascal Labille, Secretary General of Solidaris, for an exceptional podcast.

The Institut Montparnasse, a mutualist think tank, is interested in the transformations and impacts of social economy companies. It aims to produce research and reflection through its scientific committee, it offers public events and training.

A “sounding board” for the mutualist world, the Institut Montparnasse offers several contents, including the podcast series “Bâtissons des futurs solidaires” (“Let’s build futures of solidarity”) (in French).


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