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Education and Solidarity Network

[PROJECT] The “F’Acteurs Santé” tool at the IPNC (Central Provincial Institute of Nursing) in La Louvière, Belgium

Education and Solidarity Network
September 22, 2016

An initial pilot committee meeting was held on 24 September 2015 at the Central Provincial Institute of Nursing (IPNC), bringing together members of the education community, representatives from the local psycho-social-medical centre, our associate partners (Latitude Jeunes) and representatives from our mutual society partners (MGEN and SOLIDARIS). In total, some fifteen people came together to launch the project in Belgium!

A packed morning during which participants expressed their interest in the F’Acteurs Santé tool which, due to its comprehensive and innovative approach, appears to perfectly lend itself to the project at hand.

Both parts of the tool (Diagnoform and Diagnosanté) will be primarily tested out on 60 students. The first set of results obtained will be presented to the whole education community and to interested parents and will inform plans for the next steps of the project in 2016.

To be continued!


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