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Education and Solidarity Network

The Global Student Forum launches a global campaign for funding education

Education and Solidarity Network
November 17, 2021

For the International Students Day, 17 November, the Global Student Forum (GSF) launches the #DontCutOurFuture campaign to stress the importance of better funding for education at all levels.

The Global Student Forum, an independent and democratic platform of school and university students globally, decided to celebrate this important day with a transnational mobilisation on funding education.

Further information can be found on their 2021 International Student Day Statement ‘’RECOVERING BETTER, WITHOUT CUTTING OUR FUTURE! Our call for a global campaign for funding education”

This document highlights some of the major challenges that our education systems are undergoing, the impact on students’  lives and the demands for improvement.

We invite all our members and partners to join this online campaign, by posting the HT #DontCutOurFuture.


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