Around one hundred mutualists met in Tallinn, Estonia, for the AIM General Assembly which took place on 20 to 22 June this year. The site was significant due to the fact that 10 years ago the Tallinn Charter was ratified by the WHO European states. They committed to “promoting shared values of solidarity, equity and participation” in order to contribute to “improving people’s health by strengthening health systems”.
As the President of the AIM, Mr Christian Zahn, noted, the conditions in which mutual organisations develop are not always favourable to their success. In spite of this, the members of the AIM continue their efforts on the ground, in contact with States and institutions to defend cooperative values and help the most impoverished and vulnerable access a better quality of life.
The regional committee meetings (Latin America, Africa and Europe) enable members to exchange views and report on their respective activities. We note the organisation of a world café during which the representatives of 10 South American countries and several guests, including the ESN, were able to reflect together on the challenges of the relationship between mutual societies and the State.
The assembly was also an opportunity to explore the Estonian health system, which has been using e-health for a decade. It should be remembered that Estonia is considered to be one of the most advanced countries in terms of digitisation. A visit to the exhibition centre E-Estonia was also arranged for the members. Come to Brussels in November for the AIM’s next General Assembly!