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Education and Solidarity Network

Uganda: Teachers unions act for girls’ well-being at school

Education and Solidarity Network
September 23, 2016

Girls in Ugandan schools are frequently victims of gender-based violence. A recent study indicates that almost 78% of girls in primary school report having experienced sexual abuse at school.

To protect girls, the Uganda National Teachers’ Union and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation have developed a programme to enhance teachers and school heads to make schools safe harbours girls. The programme is entitled: Teachers Action for Girls (TAG). Initiated in 2003, TAG aims at promoting girls’ education, reduce impediments to girls’ success at school and ensure girls’ safety and equal opportu­nity. The programme consists of the organisation of workshops. They are animated by teachers and attended by teachers, schools heads and district education officers. By implementing teach­er-to-teacher professional development, the workshops raise awareness of education professionals and strengthen their ability to fight abusive behaviours. Hundreds of girls in Uganda’s Gulu and Amuru districts have benefit­ted from TAG in a variety of ways, including increased safety and a more positive experience of schooling.

The success of the project proves that the involvement of teacher unions is crucial in improving girls’ safety and success at school, because of their direct connection with teachers and school heads. More information is available here.

Focus on the Uganda National teachers’ Union (UNATU) – Member of the Education and Solidarity Network since 2009

Uganda National Teacher’s Union (UNATU) is a Teachers’ labour Union. It was formed to promote and protect the Social, Economic, Intellectual and professional interests of its members. UNATU’s core business is to advocate for improved working conditions of its members. UNATU has 159,000 members across all education sectors countrywide. UNATU has 10 regional secretariats and over 139 district structures across the country. More information about UNATU on their website Website.



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