Education and Solidarity Network

UNIRéS: A Network of universities for health education

Education and Solidarity Network
December 1, 2017

UNIRéS is a national association dedicated to developing health education training and research: a global approach to health education aiming to promote civic rights, educational success and the development of psychosocial skills in children and adolescents (see the Ottawa Charter principles), with a view to reducing social inequalities in health.

UNIRéS, made up of a network of approximately sixty members (trainers, lecturers and academic staff) engaged in the field of health promotion and facilitated by a team of five employees, develops its efforts around 3 main areas:

  • Training: initial and ongoing training (training of trainers, research training, tool design training, project support training…)
  • Pooling resources: provision of various resources and tools (a distance-learning platform, the Profédus tool, videos illustrating the realities of health education in the child or adolescent’s life etc.).
  • The research division aims to develop, share and promote research in ES, in close coordination with the training dynamic promoted by the Network.

Many UNIRéS efforts reflect its international dimension: the biennial international symposium, involvement in international networks (IUHPE, SHE Network), support and expertise in international projects in the field of research and training etc.

Accueil par David Authier (Président d’UNIRéS) d’une délégation japonaise venue en Europe pour un séjour d’études (Journée nationale du Réseau – 25 mars 2015).

Plus d’informations sur le site Internet d’UNIRéS :


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