The Education Solidarity Network took part in the UNSA Education National Congress held this week in Nantes, from 25 to 28 March 2024.
Morgane Richard, head of ESN, spoke alongside Hindati Simpara and Michel Ménard on the challenges facing public service jobs, particularly in terms of health and well-being, through the results of the 2nd edition of the I-BEST international barometer.

Congratulations to Frédéric Marchand, late General Secretary, who reminded us in his final speech that education in citizenship and debate is the spearhead against violent ideologies and demagoguery.
He addressed the societal issues of welfare, social protection, the attractiveness of professions, gender equality and parity, and stressed the importance of combating gender-based violence and supporting victims, all within a secular, free, republican and universalist public school system.

Congratulations to Morgane Verviers, the new General Secretary, on her election, and for reminding us in her investiture speech of the UNSA’s commitment to inclusive and popular education, which is essential for the future and against right-wing extremism.

Consult the I-BEST results here
We will also be in Buenos Aires from Saturday 27 July 2024 to Monday 29 July 2024 for our General Assembly in conjunction with the 10th World Congress of Education International! Trade unionists, mutualists and partners, join us!
To register, click here