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Education and Solidarity Network
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Youth engagement

« Youth in Action on Health » – Socieux+

Education and Solidarity Network
December 10, 2021

12 December is International Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day and an opportunity to raise awareness on the need for strong and resilient health systems and UHC. Universal health coverage means that all people and communities receive the health services they need without facing financial hardship.

Ahead of the International Day for Universal Health Coverage, the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) organized on 9 December 2021 an international exchange in a webinar entitled « Youth in action on Health ». The message? “All over the world, young people are already mobilizing for health for all! Together we can achieve universal health coverage! “

With the aim of sharing good practices, and in order to highlight initiatives led by young people, ESN has launched a call for applications and invited its members and partners to present in video format an initiative mobilizing young people in solidarity for health initiatives.

Socieux +, a technical cooperation structure set up and co-founded by the European Union, responded and proposed its e-learning initiative to build equitable health insurance schemes. Their objective is to give political decision-makers the means to design equitable health insurance for all in their country and especially in Africa. Young protagonist Cristina Prieto Solano and knowledge development expert Sarah Carpentier presented it to us in the video that you can see below.

 If you are interested in this initiative and wish to collaborate in it, do not hesitate to contact them on their website http://socieux.eu or to contact us at secretariat@educationsolidarite.org


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