Education and Solidarity Network

A collaborative workshop to further mobilise young people within the Guinean mutualist movement

Education and Solidarity Network
May 11, 2018

On Sunday, 18 March 2018, the Education and Solidarity Network ran a workshop with youth organisations and representatives of the mutualist movement in Kindia (Guinea) on the commitment to mutualism. The purpose of this day, organised by ESSENTIEL and ONAM (Organisation Nationale d’Appui à la Mutualité) was to discuss new ways of involving young Guinean people and to consider social protection and mutualism as a means of mobilisation within the community.

Through collective intelligence techniques (worldcafé & photolangage), the workshop enabled the identification of barriers to the mobilisation of young people within the mutualist movement in particular the lack of information, trust or the absence of services and support specifically tailored to young people. Finally, 40 participants assumed the role of Presidents of mutual societies and proposed concrete initiatives that mutuals could put in place in order to attract more young people: jointly establish actions to raise awareness, allow young people to participate in governance, set up partnerships with youth organisations, organise cultural and sport days or mobilise young leaders.

This day took place as part of the Health for All programme financed by AFD (the French Development Agency) and organised by the association ESSENTIEL, the objective of which is to improve access to healthcare for populations by developing Universal Health Coverage.


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