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AIM elects new Executive Committee (Presidium)

Education and Solidarity Network
November 25, 2020

18 November – AIM has elected today its new Presidium for the next 3 years. Loek Caubo from Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, the umbrella organization of health insurers in the Netherlands will be the new chair of AIM from 2020 to 2023.

For me it is an honour and privilege to be president of AIM for the coming period. But it is also a big challenge, in particular because of the COVID-pandemic and its enormous impact on society and healthcare. Solidarity has always been the core value of AIM. Sufficient solidarity between the EU Member States is necessary for a prosperous and well-functioning union and thus for all Member States individually. Only in solidarity and good cooperation we will succeed in overcoming this pandemic. Solidarity needs to be strengthened at all levels: between citizens, between countries among each other and especially between rich and poor parts of the world. AIM, its member organisations and the mutuals can and will play an important role in strengthening solidarity.” Loek Caubo, AIM President

A new President…

As experienced professional, first as head of the press department at the Dutch Ministry of Housing and Environment and over 7 years as spokesperson and deputy director of communications of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Loek Caubo has the necessary skills to take over the position. He has been manager of communications and public affairs at ZN for the last 8 years and was also Vice-President for European Affairs at AIM till today’s election.

Loek’s ambitions are the following:

  • Foster our values: solidarity, democracy and not for profit in healthcare and promote them across the globe.
  • Further increase the visibility of AIM at both European and international level.
  • Achieve a higher recognition of mutuals, also in the face of the many challenges to be overcome.
  • Support members by favouring peer learning and cross-border collaboration.

… chairing a new Presidium Loek Caubo confidently takes the helm off his predecessor Christian Zahn (vdek, Germany). He will chair a team of 6 people:

  • Ms Verena Nold (santésuisse, Switzerland) as Vice-President for Europe
  • Ms Marion von Wartenberg (vdek, Germany) as Vice-President in charge of communications
  • Mr Matthias Savignac (FNMF, France) who remains Vice- President in charge of International Collaboration
  • Mr Alejandro Russo (CAM, Argentina) as Vice-President for Latin-America
  • Mr Fouad Bajilali (MFA, Morocco) as Vice-President for Africa and the Middle-East
  • Mr Alain Coheur (Solidaris, Belgium) who remains treasurer
  • Mr Pedro Bleck da Silva will stay as Special Advisor to the Presidium

Two departures

Besides former president Christian Zahn, Elisa Torrenegra, former Vice-President for Latin-America and Abdelaziz Alaoui, former Vice-President for Africa and the Middle –East leave their seats within the Presidium, both after 6 years at the service of AIM, the leading international health mutuals and health fund association.

AIM is ready for the future AIM members welcome this election. The new Presidium is looking forward to guide AIM through the challenging years ahead. 


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