The Education and Solidarity Network co-organised the workshop “Promoting teachers’ health and well-being: Barriers, levers and promising” with the UNESCO chair Global Health and Education and the MGEN Foundation for Public Health, on 17 May 2022 as part of the 24th World Conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). On this occasion the results of the International Barometer on education personnel’s health and well-being were presented.

“What are the teachings of the international study “barometer on education personnel’s health and well-being”?“. At the opening of the workshop, Marie-Noël Vercambre-Jacquot, researcher for the MGEN Foundation for public Health (France) presented the results of the thorough analyses of the 2021 International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being (Education and Solidarity Network/MGEN corporate Foundation for Public Health). In the context of the covid-19 pandemic which deeply struck the school world, the aim of these analyses is to identify the most universal levers possible for promoting teachers’ health. The essential significance of safety, autonomy and social relationships at school for teachers’ well-being was thus highlighted.
Karim Ould-Kaci, Director of the MGEN Foundation, and Louise Magnard, official representative of the Education and Solidarity Network, presented several initiatives aimed at promoting teachers’ health and well-being, in France, Quebec and Gambia. Which was the opportunity to present the Education and Solidarity Network and its members’ actions, and especially actions of education unions, among which health and safety of personnel and educational communities remain among their main priorities throughout the world.

MinChien Tsai, researcher, Secretary General of the Taiwan Health Promoting Schools Association and collaborator of the UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education, presented a focus on the issues related to the last part of teachers’ careers, “a health promotion perspective for healthy aging at work”.
In this participatory focus, the professionals of the education and health promotion world present online were invited to share their experience and initiatives in terms of health promotion at work.
Didier Jourdan, UNESCO chairholder and director of the WHO collaborative centre “Global Health and Education“ and Goof Buijs presented and moderated the workshop.