For the fifth consecutive year, the MGEN group – with the support of the Belgian mutual insurance Solidaris – conducted a survey on the confidence and well-being of the French, realised by OpinionWay and the Solidaris institute. How did the French feel in 2020? What is the impact of Covid-19 on their well-being, how do they perceive society, work, their health? Results of the 2020 barometer and analysis by Michel Wieviorka, professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (French: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales).
“When the loss of confidence goes hand in hand with increased inequality, there is an urgent need to put the real wealth of our society back at the centre of it. The values of the MGEN group, the SSE and the public service, namely solidarity, equality, proximity, in this respect offer real prospects for living together”, says Roland Berthilier, president of the MGEN group.

Find the press release and the complete results of the survey here (in French).