Education and Solidarity Network


Education and Solidarity Network
September 17, 2015

On Friday 24 July 2015 a meeting of the Education and Solidarity Network’s Board of Administration was held. Due to injury, the newly elected President, Matthias SAVIGNAC, could not actually attend. He therefore chaired the Board of Administration remotely by video-conference.

The Board Members elected the new Executive Committee of the Education and Solidarity Network. Alain COHEUR (representing AIM) was elected Vice-president, and Dominique MARLET (representing EI) treasurer.

As many Board Members had highlighted the importance of face-to-face meetings of the Board of Administration, the President suggested organising the meetings in such a way as to facilitate the attendance of a maximum number of Board Members, by being nearer to the regions in which the Network is present.

The Network’s secretariat presented a matrix to the Board of Administration summarising the proposals made during the week in Ottawa. After discussion, the Board of Administration wished to adopt this matrix as a roadmap. The 2015-2019 activity programme will be worked on in detail with the members and partners of the Network on the basis of this roadmap, and then prioritised and validated at the next meeting of the Board of Administration.  

The Board of Administration also enabled the official signing of the working programme developed by CIESS and the Network during collaborative workshops, regarding issues from education to social protection. 

All pictures are on our Facebook page! 


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