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Education and Solidarity Network
Social protection
Youth engagement

Webinar “Youth in Action on Health”

Education and Solidarity Network
November 9, 2021

For the International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day), the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) organized on 9 December 2021 an international exchange in a webinar entitled « Youth in action on Health ».

12 December is International Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day and an opportunity to raise awareness on the need for strong and resilient health systems and UHC. Universal health coverage means that all people and communities receive the health services they need without facing financial hardship.

12 December 2021 will also mark 1 year of the UN Climate Ambition Summit where climate change has been identified as the single biggest health threat facing humanity.

Each year, the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN) takes action and promotes UHC through international campaigns and webinars.

For this year’s edition, ESN gave voice to youth around the world on their commitment to promoting UHC. Our message? All over the world, youth is already mobilizing for health for all! Together we can achieve #UHC2030!

This event has been an opportunity for ESN members and partners to highlight their initiatives and led to the promotion of good practices. Its aim was also to result in the replication of an initiative in another country, in the collaboration of the organizations present and in the creation of opportunities for intergenerational exchanges between the participants.

The online meeting was moderated by Jessica Carreno, Coordinator of the groups: Health Promotion, Environmental Health and Disease Prevention; Long-term Care; as well as the Latin-American Region at the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies.

After the webinar opening by the Education and Solidarity Network, 3 solidarity for health initiatives were presented by young protagonists of health in their organizations: Daniela Viana – Mutual Ser, Emma Leeflang and Eva Luvisotto – Geneva Youth Call and Omeïma Bahloul and Chaimaa Taib – ONE Campaign.

Aurore Iradukunda, from the International Labour Office, concluded the discussions by recalling the main conclusions of their World Social Protection Report 2020-22.


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