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Education and Solidarity Network

ESN Executive Committee and Very Special Meeting

Education and Solidarity Network
October 24, 2016

On 28 September 2016, members of the Education and Solidarity Network happily gathered in Paris for the Executive Board and an extra informative and exchange meeting. 

This come-together was the occasion to present and discuss latest news of our members. MGEN presented its national and international strategy organised around advocacy activities to promote the mutual model, cooperation with international education players and the development of solidarity based health insurance plans worldwide.  

Over the Atlantic, the Canadian member Centrale des Syndicats du Québec reported on its current activities on health and safety at work of young education professionals while the American National Education Association Member Benefits goes on targeting violence at school and nutrition issues.

In Africa, the Uganda National Teachers’ Union has been much involved in actions to support the development of safe and inclusive educational environments for girls.

Finally, ESN founding member, Education International continues its worldwide campaign Unite for Quality Education focusing on the privatization and commercialization of/in education, and will organise an important conference in Stockholm in November 21-22 about access to education for refugee children and support mechanisms for education professionals welcoming migrants.


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