Education and Solidarity Network

Pastille festival: films to promote health and solidarity

Education and Solidarity Network
September 27, 2018

ESSENTIEL, an international organisation that promotes access to healthcare for all, is holding its second Pastille film festival. Targeting young people, healthcare professionals and the general public, the association aims to raise awareness about health and solidarity by showing entertaining and educational movies. Nine films short-listed by the association under the categories ‘technological innovation’, ‘social innovation’ and ‘solidarity in health’, were voted on by a jury composed of members of Essentiel and the festival’s partners, including the ESN.

Three films were eventually chosen and will be screened on 3 and 4 November in Nantes: Penser dans l’urgence (Thinking in an Emergency), Demain, tous crétins (Tomorrow we will all be idiots) and L’autre pilule, un combat pour les femmes (The Other Pill: a Battle for Women).

Throughout the year, these films will be used for pedagogical activities, primarily with young and school-age audiences in France and abroad. The Education and Solidarity Network, in partnership with the Extra-metropolitan Section of MGEN, will therefore distribute the films, along with teaching kits, to teachers in French secondary schools abroad and to union and mutual organisations. Further information here.





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