Education and Solidarity Network

The right to healthcare scrutunised by the students of Wuhan french international school

Education and Solidarity Network
December 22, 2017

As part of Moral and Civic Education this year, students Year 4 and Year 5 students at the Wuhan French International School in China are taking part in a competition entitled “It’s your right”. This year’s theme is “The right to healthcare”. 

This project led students to gather information from associations that work in hospitals and with sick children. They interviewed the Wuhan Gingko Solidarity Association, which raises funds including the collection and sale of books, games, organising events etc. The students have also proposed to plan a joint effort with the association during the year.

The students have also made contact with mutual funds, including MGEN via a Skype interview with Thierry Weishaupt, who heads the MGEN representative office in Wuhan. This interview allowed the students to understand the mutuality principles and in particular the possibility of either being reimbursed for treatment or not having to pay fees in advance.  

By looking at UNICEF documents, the students discovered that many children around the world were not vaccinated or had no access to safe drinking water.

With all this information, the students will produce a written, audio or video production to make as many people as possible aware about global healthcare issues. The production will be available on the MLF (Mission Laïque Française) website during the awards ceremony. 

This project is an opportunity for students to share, express an opinion and show commitment and initiative

Alexandra Souchot, teacher at Wuhan French School



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