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Education and Solidarity Network


Education and Solidarity Network
December 9, 2014

At the International Conference on Higher Education and Research organised by Education International in Brussels between 10 and 12 November 2014, the ESN urged academics from all countries to play an active role in generating knowledge and disseminating good practice relating to our members’ issues and projects.

Through the ESN, education professionals throughout the world run innovative, public-spirited projects in partnership with other civil society stakeholders in order to work toward ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (definition of health taken from the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1946).

Teaching and research staff are vital for enabling the spread of these public-spirited and solidarity-based actions throughout the world. They help generate and disseminate knowledge and experience; they bring an analytical and theoretical depth to projects; they make them visible; they help devise them; they create tools to disseminate them.

To this end, the ESN is launching an innovative action research initiative, which will enable our members to pool their experience and share good practice and critical success factors, thus allowing people to learn from one another. This initiative is being carried out in partnership with CLEERESS (Cluster Education Enseignement Recherche en Economie Sociale et Solidaire)*

We offer teaching and research staff the opportunity to carry out action research on a project of their choice. The project must be run either by ESN members or civil society organisations connected to the education sector (trade unions, mutual societies, non-profit organisations, cooperatives). The project must relate to one of the three following themes:

  1. Promoting pupil and teacher health in schools
  2. Developing solidarity-based, universal, quality social protection
  3. Encouraging young people’s involvement in solidarity-based, public-spirited organisations

In this way, we will gradually develop an international network of teaching and research staff who are involved in these issues.

If you are interested and require further information, please contact Danaë Desplanques: ddesplanques@mgen.fr


ABOUT Cluster Education Enseignement Recherche en Economie Sociale et Solidaire 

CLEERESS aims to improve the skills of managers in the SSE and help pave the way for a new generation by 2020, by advocating the following steps at national and international level:

  • disseminating and analysing SSE research among a wider audience;
  • galvanising networks between students, teachers, researchers and SSE managers and incorporating people from all backgrounds;
  • raising awareness and training people on a participatory culture of research and development and action research within SSE enterprises.

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